"Come Back To Yourself. Align To YOU!"

Join us for the most high-touch, high-level, well-rounded container you've ever imagined while you are supported through some of the most important moments of your life as you discover your voice, own your worth, and take back your power all while simultaneously attracting all of your desires to you with your magnetic energy, confidence + self-assuredness! This is a transformative container you'll never find anywhere else!


Don't Wait - You Deserve To Live As Your Best Self NOW!









When The Timer Runs Out...

The Investment For Alignment U returns to $15,000

Monthly financing also available for $1,500/mo x 12 monthly installments




I didn't realize it but Terri had been following me for about 9 months before finally reaching out for support. 

She's so grateful for her decision too because within 3 weeks of joining Alignment U, Terri manifested her first sale in her network marketing business that NET her more than $45,000! That's a serious ROI! 

Terri is passionate about getting to know herself better, so she can calibrate to the fullest expression of herself, BE who she really is, and spread her ripple effect and out as far as it can go!

<< Hear the full story here!

I'm ready for Alignment U!

Registration is NOW OPEN for Alignment U! 

I wanted to give you a very candid, no-bullshit rundown of what the Alignment U program IS and WHO it's for... 

So firstly this is a very



highly transformational

group coaching slash mastermind program


lightworkers, healers,

and those who KNOW they are made for more and have an impact to make in this world.

I empower female lightworkers and healers to stand up, step into their power, uncover their purpose, create their ripple effect in this world, and create anything and everything they've ever dreamed of in the process!

If you are consistently getting in your own way and feel that if only you had someone to hold you accountable, this is for you! 

>> Each week you'll submit an accountability form to keep me updated on your progress, and it will simultaneously give you a really great overview of your own efforts and progress. You'll also receive private + custom feedback to apply and implement going forward. 


If you are sick of your own shit and know you're the only thing standing in your way, this is for you! 

>> I will help you discover your limiting beliefs and dissolve, transmute, and reprogram those beliefs into more empowering truths you can live by! I have a knack for "reading between the lines" and bringing your limiting beliefs and disempowering thoughts to the surface so you can air them out.


If you are finding yourself sabotaging your own progress and as a result, you're living in groundhog day, this is for you! 

>> Ask any of the ladies already inside the program... I will call you out on your shit. You probably know by now that just being told what you want to hear isn't productive. I've got a really great knack for picking out "upper limiting behaviors" (as Gay Hendricks outlines in The Big Leap). It's always harder to see our own limitations than it is for someone else to see and point them out, and that's why having a mentor or coach is SO powerful!


If you know you are here to make a massive impact in the world, but you're not sure how to go about it, this is for you!

>> My purpose is to help YOU discover your purpose, and then empower you to live your purpose unapologetically so you can shine your light for all those who need you to see. Ultimately, you have a ripple effect to create. By you shining your light and living your purpose, you are creating a ripple effect of high vibes and raised consciousness throughout your home, your family, your social circle, your city, your state/province, your country, and the whole world! Every life you touch will be positively affected by you finding and living your purpose!

One very important point I need to make, though, is that this program is not for everyone. It doesn't serve you or me to have you in the Alignment U program if you aren't the perfect, soul-aligned fit.


So... this program is NOT for you if: 

  • You'd rather blame + play the victim than take 100% responsibility for your life - everything you've experienced or are experiencing is a result of a vibration you've put out and the Universe has just been responding to that. If you can't get on board with that, this isn't for you. I can only help you if you're willing to take full responsibility for your life and your experiences.

  • You'd rather defend yourself than make changes - if you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them. I cannot help you if you'd rather focus on why something hasn't been working than on finding solutions.

  • You're more in love with the idea of improving your situation than you are about actually doing something about it - if you are not actually committed to doing the things that are going to create progress and shifts within you, then I obviously cannot help you.

  • You are not willing to be uncomfortable and do what it takes to create the change you wish to see - nothing changes if nothing changes and yet some people are just so stuck in their own way that they aren't willing to get uncomfortable or to set + enforce better boundaries.



At this point, I think it's important to tell you that you are not here by accident. When I was putting this workshop together, as I do with every workshop I put on, I  set the intention to speak to the Higher Selves of the women who are ready for their ripple effect to be set out in the world. I ask the Universe to align me with those who need me to guide them at this point in their journey. That's how you got here! 

Some of the ladies registered will only take part in the free workshop and that's totally fine... my first priority always is to elevate and inspire! 

But there are some, like you, that are being called for more. 

You're being called to be more. To do more. To show up. To be seen. To spread your ripple effect! 

So if you're ready and you KNOW Alignment U is for you, I have something special for you! 



(so you never have to think about it again, and instead can focus 1000% on getting the greatest transformation of your life!)

before SUNDAY @ MIDNIGHT EST NOT ONLY will you SAVE $5,000 OFF the regular investment (usually $15,000) you will also get:

90 MIN BREAKTHROUGH SESSION ($497 Value) to identify your most pressing areas of focus so you will get the most of your time in the program

4 (Quarterly) 1:1 PRIVATE 60 MIN COACHING SESSIONS ($795+ value) to complement and amplify your progress and commitment to your healing and development journey, and ensure you are getting the best transformational experience possible



If you need me to finance your journey inside Alignment U, I am more than happy to offer you an installment plan at $997 USD per month x 12 months
($997 USD upon registration, and $997 USD per month on the same day every month thereafter)

When you register before Sunday @ Midnight EST you will save $500 PER MONTH off your registration! (usually $1,500 per month)

You'll also receive a 90 MIN BREAKTHROUGH SESSION ($497 USD Value) to identify your most pressing areas of focus so you will get the most of your time in the program


These bonuses are ONLY AVAILABLE UNTIL SUNDAY, MAY 29th @ MIDNIGHT because I want to seriously reward those who are DAMN READY TO JUMP IN and create MASSIVE ripples in their life and the lives of those around them!

I Need This!


Pam had been following me for some time before finally jumping into a low-end investment at the start. After seeing the incredible results from her first experience, she decided to jump into something a little more intense, and at a higher investment. 

Ultimately Pam knew she was delaying the inevitable and decided to jump into Alignment U in July! 

Hear her full story here >>>

I'm ready for Alignment U!

What if changing your life was as simple as changing your mindset?

It was that easy for me!
Here's what happened... 


It sounds unbelievable when I say it like that but this is my reality.

Friday, July 24th, 2022 will mark three years since my first day as an employee after I swore I'd never work for anyone else ever again.

I only applied for the job in the first place because I was struggling to get my coaching business off the ground. My perseverance kept me going but my self-sabotaging behaviour kept me broke.

When I took the position (a 12 month maternity leave coverage) I declared that I would use the year to work on myself, get serious in my business and make it happen.

I wanted to be in the position, by the end of the year, that I didn't need the job and it would actually be in my way of my success. So if my boss did want me to stay even just part-time that he'd have to make it hugely worth my while since.

Well, I manifested exactly that. I was offered the full-time position and got to respectfully decline the offer! September 15th, 2020 marked my last day as an employee and the start of this new chapter as a full-time Mindset + Manifestation Coach!


I left the 9-5 grind for good - during a pandemic!

In the last year and a half, we've gone from absolutely zero income, no savings, no anything to a 6-figure income that enables us to do whatever we want, whenever we want without having to worry about shuffling money around or checking our balances.

Now, it's not about the money... it's about the MINDSET.

I've manifested a lot of incredible things over this past few years while I committed to the inner work including:


🥂 a full scholarship to a $5k+ business coaching program which I spent some time in as their resident Money, Mindset and Manifestation Coach 

🍾 several thousand dollars worth of courses and programs (a friend of mine gave me her login info for since she never even touched it),

🥂 an awesome payment plan for a program I was dying to take,

🍾 a feature in Disrupt Magazine: 10 Female Leaders Disrupting Their Industries In 2021 among other incredible women like Whitney Bolfe, Founder and CEO of bumble; Reese Witherspoon; and Sofia Vergara

🥂 my first $40k launch in under 10 days, followed immediately by a $50k launch again in less than 10 days!

🍾 a virtual assistant who wanted to help me for 6 weeks unpaid to get her feet wet RIGHT when I needed someone to help me with content repurposing (she's now officially hired, btw),

🥂 a Bomb PR team (shoutout to Mindful Media),

🍾 a spot on Business Insiders' list and inside Thrive magazine: 20 Mindful Thought Leaders Guiding Us Into A Better 2021... #1 on the list? Dr. Joe (freaking) Dispenza!!! After him.. Deepak Chopra and Marissa Peer to name a few! Literally so excited about this I could die! 

🥂 a brand new bathroom ensuite, for way less $ than any normal person would pay (i.e. we got a $2000 sink for $400 taxes in, we got $3000 worth of granite tile for $150, we got all of our lighting fixtures, and bulbs for FREE, brand new in the boxes!)


🍾 incredible soul babe clients who choose to renew their year-long contracts EARLY and PAY IN FULL!


🥂 a completely soul-aligned coach to support me, and hold space for me, as I make some of the biggest quantum leaps of my life!

🍾 over $30,000 in just 8 days!

🥂 an INCREDIBLE partnership and relationship with my husband (when we have previously been on the brink of divorce)

Ultimately it came down to my inner work + mindset. 🧘‍♀️ 


I had a lot of inner work, healing and subconscious reprogramming, as well as embodiment work, was needed to make the necessary changes in my life to ALLOW the money and the good and the ease to flow into my life.

Above all else, it's about the fact that I get to do what I love to do and serve those who need to hear what I can help them with and through while earning an incredible income that allows complete freedom for me and my family.

THAT is complete fulfillment 🙏🏻 and I want the same for YOU!

Like me, this CAN and WILL change your life. And if you're committed to doing the work, it can happen FAST!

Now in my signature program, Alignment U, I coach women to do the same and create a life they’re completely in love with and that is truly fulfilling in every area. 


I have clients manifesting amazing things immediately after joining me! Some of the things new clients have reported manifesting. In just their first 6 weeks of the 12-month program, they were receiving...


  • Two ladies manifested fully paid for cars
  • Another one manifested a car that was exactly within their criteria and with payments that fit well with the budget
  • An additional and unexpected $3000
  • 3 of them have manifested great jobs with incredible growth potential
  • More clients and customers 
  • Amazing final marks in certification programs
  • Being on track to graduate college early!

  • Thousands of dollars in additional MONTHLY income

  • And so much more! 

Cici manifested $1001 in her first week! 

Kristen manifested better mental health, a return to her job only to ultimately go on a journey to discover her true calling and a new truck!

I will be there with you every step of the way for the 12 months we’re working together and you’ll have the collective of the group also working towards their goals and working on their mindset and doing all the inner healing.

It’s so much easier when there are other people in your circle doing the same things and working towards the same self-improvement goals! You ARE the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with...


Register before the countdown runs out!


Click the button below to come and make magic with us!


Marika Y.

Entrepreneur, SAHM, and Current Alignment U Client


 Overwhelmed Mama To Conscious Creator


When Marika had only been in the Alignment U program for about 10 weeks but she had already seen some dramatic changes in her life!


Before joining the program Marika was feeling down, lost, unfulfilled, angry, and sad. She knew she needed to make changes, but wasn't sure how or where to start.


The Universe brought us together when she saw a post in a local group for Boss Ladies that recommended me, and that was just around the time of the last live workshop in February.


{Secret: When I'm preparing for a workshop or training like this, I always ask the Universe to align me with those who need to hear the messages I will channel and communicate while I"m teaching. So this was obviously one of those cases where my intention manifested into form. You and I may be each others' manifestation too!}


Marika admits that she was the only thing standing in her own way. She was letting depression, anger, and resentment get the best of her, but she was ready for a change.


A typical day for Marika before joining Alignment U was full of overwhelm and the feeling of being rushed. She says her days were unfulfilling and unsatisfying, not necessarily every day but in a general kind of way.


After her father passed away suddenly last year, Marika learned to slow down a bit while spending a lot of time with her mom while they sorted through estate things and downsizing the house.


Marika felt she was missing a healthy routine, and positivity in her life before joining me in the program.


We've only been working together since she discovered me in February and jumped in with both feet, paying in FULL and eager to get started, and she's already noticing a huge shift in her thinking and how she looks at things, situations, and people. She said one of the major benefits of the program so far is that she "can now consciously identify negative thoughts and switch to more positive thinking."


Another aspect of her life that I don't think Marika anticipated improving or even focusing on in the beginning, is her relationship with her husband. By narrowing in on that very important piece of the puzzle, I quickly picked up that we could create a ripple effect out into the other aspects she wanted to look at.


Now Marika says she has "a better connection with my husband. More appreciation for him". In general, she is feeling more positive, calmer, and more appreciative of everything around her.


We've only just begun, and I can't wait to see where the rest of our year together takes Marika!

"I met Danielle in a business coaching program that we were in together, and when I learned that she was a mindset and manifestation coach I got super curious about what she did.


I joined her group, knowing that I needed to work on my mindset, but was very new to the whole “manifestation” thing. Everything she talked about really made sense to me so I joined her workshop, and can say without a doubt that it was the first workshop that I attended where I actually showed up everyday, took notes and did the homework.


I learned so much during that workshop. I started making changes to my mindset right away and found new ways of thinking and living my everyday life.


When her second workshop came up I knew for sure that I was going to be part of that and, again took a lot of notes and put everything to work, including her free downloads. I started using all the tools she provided and seeing results, including doubling my income in less than two weeks.


I decided at that point if I was seeing this kind of results from her free workshops and content that I definitely needed to be part of her full program, so made the investment.


Since then I’ve manifested my job exactly the way I want it, my relationship the way I want it, an apartment with more than everything that I asked for, before the date that I asked for it, family moving to be near me, and have learned to set quarterly goals for myself that I am actually working toward and accomplishing to get my coaching business rolling.


I couldn’t be more excited to see how I will grow and what I will focus on and manifest next! If you are on the fence about Mindset to Manifest Mastery, and you’re feeling that little nudge that this is exactly what you need in your life right now, don’t ignore it.


I believe the life you want is waiting for you on the other side of that decision to work with Danielle."

Teri Smart
Alignment U Alumni


[CASE STUDY]: Kendra

Kendra manifested her first real estate investment (an 8-plex) AND the downpayment to make it happen within weeks of joining Alignment U last October. She is now in the midst of growing her interior stylist + staging business while she transitions out of teaching.

One of the greatest shifts I witnessed in Kendra was her confidence, which you'll see while I'm speaking to her. When we started working together she was so self-conscious and was struggling to even start her interior stylist business.
By the end of our time together she had worked with a real estate agent to stage homes for sale (improving the speed of sale by 70%), booked several different styling, staging and design board clients, and was speaking on a stage at a women's only real estate investing conference!

She's almost unrecognizable!

<<< Hear her full story here

I'm ready for Alignment U!

Danielle's Story

I started my coaching practice in November 2018 as a relationship coach. I finally realized I was kidding myself and was totally barking up the wrong tree in April of 2019 when I officially changed gears to Mindset and Manifestation Coaching. I had built up so much resistance to my own success, though, that I dug myself and my family into literally the worst financial situation we'd ever been in. I'm talking debt racked up, no savings, no income, nothing to fall back on, creditors phoning multiple times a day, and at one point we even had our phones cut off. I was shuffling money around for every purchase and taking from Peter to pay Paul, it was just absolutely awful. In July 2019 I ended up going back to work so I could at least get our financial feet planted again. 

While I was working full-time I also dove head-first into actually making my dreams come true. I did the inner work I had been avoiding like my life depended on it and I buckled down. I also manifested my way to a full-scholarship to a business coaching program that enabled me to learn the pieces I was missing.

In May 2020, after a lot of ups and downs, I opened the doors to Alignment U (previously known as Manifestation Mindset Mastery) for the first time. Up until that point I had only ever made $3900 in my business in the 17 months I'd been in operation. That month I called in $40,000 in sales and I was finally on the right track! From there, I went onto open enrolment again in July and called in another $50,000 in sales. 

In September 2020 I left my job again after only 14 months and started creating consistent 5-figure months in my business! I was living the dream I had once only wished for!

Since then I've manifested some really wild things including like an absolutely INCREDIBLE assistant, features in some prestigious publications Business Insider as one of the '20 Mindful Thought Leaders Guiding Us Into A Better 2021' and in Disrupt Magazine as one of the '10 Female Leaders Disrupting Their Industries In 2021', an expanding team of incredible experts to elevate my amazing clients to levels they never thought possible, and so much more! 

I'm not special and I don't have anything that you don't have and I'm on a mission to help YOU create magic in your own life so you can go out there and live a happy, fulfilling love you absolutely love, deserve and are already so worthy of!

Come Make Magic With Us!


Before joining Alignment U, Shanna was struggling with her finances, money, and her mindset. She was constantly stressed out and felt she didn't have a purpose.


Shanna recognized that it was only herself that was preventing her from getting where she wanted to go, and although she concedes that she is still working on her past behaviours, trying not to slip into old habits, she has made an incredible amount of progress over our year together.


Before Alignment U, a typical day in Shanna's life involved stressing about bills and money, and constantly wondering how she could make ends meet.


When I asked her what she felt was missing from her day-to-day life before joining me inside this container she simply said: Peace.


Now, almost an entire year after taking a bet on herself and choosing to focus on her journey and make her development a priority, she can say that the Alignment U program definitely positively impacted her life.


"I have more money in my account now than I have ever had my entire life and it feels amazing!


I finally have a direction for my life and it continues to grow and change. When I first started the program and I was asked what a day in my best life looked like, I couldn't answer that. I didn't know. Now my day is clear and I have big dreams and goals and I know I can do all things. My businesses are growing and evolving every day into something I would have never guessed before."


Shanna went on to share,

"I went from almost losing my car, my wages being garnished and drowning in debt to having almost all my bills paid in full, money in my account and overflowing.


I experienced loss during this time but was able to look at it positively and have learned to let go of the how and allow. I am in a more positive state of mind and able to recognize when I have past things that I need to work through. I have also learned that affirmations, journaling, and meditation keep me going."


She's excited about her future and what is to come, and she knows that it only gets BETTER from here!


A typical day for Shanna involves a morning and evening routine that focuses on creating her best life. She keeps a positive mindset and focuses on achieving her goals! She also said she listens to the You Can Manifest podcast every morning on the way to work and that sets her up for a great day and acts as a great reminder that she's working to better her life each and every day.


When I asked Shanna what her favourite part of the Alignment U program was, she said,


"The support of Danielle and the ladies in the group. It was a small group and they were so supportive with no judgment. When I thought everything was falling apart they helped keep me together and keep working towards a better outcome."


Shanna wants anyone considering joining the Alignment U program to keep an open mind, listen, and DO THE WORK DAILY! She says things wouldn't have changed for her if she hadn't done the inner work and listened to those around her that had already been there, done that, and had already changed their lives for the better.


She wants you to know that


"you are supported in the group and even if the world around you seems like it is on fire, Danielle will keep you focused on making it through and getting to the other side."


Katie came into the Alignment U program eager to make changes in her life. She was navigating several things in her personal life while also dreaming of starting her own coaching business so she could ditch her 9-5.

Now she's celebrating the beta launch of her program, experiencing joy and alignment in everything she's doing and is executing a plan of action to leave her 9-5 in 2022!

Hear her full story here >>>

I'm ready for Alignment U!

This program is for you if: 

  • You know that if you keep doing the same thing you’ll start banging your head against the wall


  • You understand that what you’ve been doing isn’t working because you’re still where you are and you KNOW something has to change


  • You feel like you’re probably doing things the hard way and making them more complicated than they need to be


  • You’re sick of your own shit


  • You’re tired of standing in your own way


  • You’re ready for self love and healing


  • You’re done neglecting your mindset health


  • You’re ready to get unstuck and uplevel in your life


  • You’ve hit a plateau in your life, business, or career and know you need a change


  • You’re ready to leave the cycle of self-sabotage behind and finally step into the shoes of the manifesting machine that you were born to be! 


  • You’re finished holding yourself back


  • You crave fulfillment in every area of your life


  • You are hitting a glass ceiling and know it needs dealing with 


  • You believe growth and personal development never has an end, there’s always more to learn


  • You’re ready to examine yourself and determine what it is that you’re doing that’s attracting (or not attracting) your experiences and manifestations into your life


This is NOT for you if: 

  • You’re comfortable self-sabotaging yourself


  • You’re not really ready to uplevel in life 


  • You only want improvement in your life because that’s what you think you “should” want


  • You let someone else dictate how you live your life


  • You’re not ready to get a bit uncomfortable


  • You’re not ready to take a deep look inside at what you are and how you became that


  • You’re satisfied with life as it is 


  • You’re not interested in becoming a manifesting machine


  • You are comfortable playing small


  • You don’t have big dreams and goals


  • You care more about what other people think about you than how you feel about yourself and your experience here and how you’re spending your time in this physical form 


Click The Button Below To Enroll In ALIGNMENT U!


I absolutely guarantee you that if you show up to our sessions and you commit to yourself and your development you will absolutely come out of the other side of this program a changed person for the better… for your highest and best.


That means that you’re showing up as the best version of you not only for yourself but for everyone around you, everyone you interact with, everyone you run into… the work you do on yourself ripples out and can affect as many as 1,000 people.


That’s pretty powerful stuff and a great incentive to get to work on yourself and do your part to make this world a better, more peaceful place. 


I really do hope you’ll join us inside the program. If you still have questions please feel free to reach out to me either by email at [email protected] or send me a DM on Facebook


Happy manifesting!

Xo Danielle

Manifestation + Mindset Coach
Transformational Teacher + Spiritual Mentor


[CASE STUDY]: Simone


Simone found me through a woman who had already been in my group for a while.

Since jumping into Alignment U in July, Simone has begun to shine through as the confident, intelligent, loving person she really is, while also manifesting bigger commission sales cheques than her company has ever seen... while not working nearly as hard and without making follow-up calls like she used to. 

Now Simone effortlessly attracts her ideal customers to her. and is ready and willing to help them. As a result, she's creating more income for investments she plans to make in her future!

<<< Hear her full story here

I'm ready for Alignment U!

Alignment U

"Come back to yourself. Align to YOU!"

A 12-month group coaching and mastermind program to completely transform you from the inside out and turn you into the manifesting machine you were born to be! Alignment U is a high-level, high-touch, all-inclusive, all-encompassing, VIP experience guiding you and supporting you as you awaken to your own power, and become the absolute best version of yourself!

I promise you won't find anything like this anywhere else. I've taken special care to ensure that we are touching on all the different areas that require attention and love throughout the process, and all the areas that I dove into throughout my journey. Over our 12-months together you will experience and manifest things you never imagined and you will expand into levels you never dreamed of. I can't wait to see your transformation!!!


Select either 12 monthly installments of $997 USD or make a one-time investment of $9,997 USD
and save $5,000!!!


In addition to everything listed below, members of the Alignment U program also get access to anything I create during their time in the program*!!! 

*Excluding 1:1 + collaborative offers

Alignment U

12 monthly instalments of $997

What You'll Get:

  • Weekly Group Coaching Call with Hot Seat Coaching ($10,140 value)
  • Monthly Emotional Alchemy Session  (incl. reflection + implementation workbook) ($2,364 value)
  • Monthly Success Coaching, Goal Achievement and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Training ($1,200 value)
  • Exclusive Facebook Group (Priceless)
  • Private Facebook Messenger Chat (Priceless)
  • Membership Portal With Pre-Recorded Trainings (Invaluable)
  • Coaching Call Replay Vault Including 80+ Hours Of Previous Coaching Calls ($11,700 value)


PLUS! You'll get immediate access to ALL of these resources: 


  • Ripple Effect Academy ($2,222 Value) Leverage your passion, experience, and expertise into your own high-level group coaching program that completely replaces your 9-5 income and allows you to become completely self-employed in as little as 16 weeks!
  • Consistency Kickstart ($397 value)  Kickstart your awakening with this life-changing program that guides you to incorporate the 6 non-negotiable spiritual development practices that will transform your life in every area
  • 1 Year of Watch ThMembership e Magic Unfold Book Club ($880 value) This isn’t your usual book club - we are only reading enlightening + life-changing books that will elevate you to places you never dreamed of with thought-provoking weekly discussions to keep you engaged and committed to your transformation
  • Setting Intentions That Actually Manifest Workshop + Workbook (great for setting monthly, quarterly, and annual goal setting + achieving) ($197 value)
  • 21 Days of Ho'oponopono Ancient Hawai'ian Forgiveness ritual + limiting belief clearing technique ($47 value)
  • 2.5 Hour Training On Identifying + Dissolving The Limiting Beliefs Keeping You From Creating The Live You Love, Deserve + Are So Worthy Of ($297 value)
  • Money Manifesting Machine ($1,111 value) A 6-module money manifestation + mindset overhaul program that will change the way you think and feel about money so you can attract it easily + effortlessly into your life
  • Script Your Way To A Better Life in 90 Days Workbook + Training Bundle with 3+ hours of training and Q+A sessions ($900 value)
  • Turn Your Passion Into A Profitable Business 2-Day Workshop ($497 value)
  • Universal Laws Masterclass ($97 value)
  • Embody The New You Masterclass ($197 value)
  • Money Mindset for Entrepreneurs 90-Min Masterclass ($295 value)
  • and so much more!

The TOTAL VALUE of the Alignment U Program is $50,000 and should be over $4100 per month! 


Save your seat in this transformative program for just $997 USD NOW!

I'm In For Just $997 USD Today! (Saving $500 per month)
Click Here To Pay In Full + Save $5000!

Coaching Calls + Trainings

Weekly Group Coaching Calls Plus Pre-Recorded Trainings For You To Go Through On Your Own Time And Bring Any Questions To The Coaching Calls


Private Facebook Group And Group Chat To Have Your On-The-Spot Questions Answered Or Share A Win!

Phenomenal Expert Support

We Have THREE Other Healers Each Holding Monthly Trainings In The Program To Help You Completely Transform Your Life On EVERY LEVEL So You Can Absolutely Create The Life You Are Dreaming Of

Inside Alignment U I will help you...

  1. Set clear intentions to manifest
  2. Reprogram beliefs, thoughts and identity on the subconscious level 
  3. Embody the ideal version of you
  4. Release the ‘how’ and allow your desires in
  5. Tune into and follow your intuition + divine guidance to take inspired action
  6. Open yourself to receive! 
  7. Live a completely fulfilling life by doing something you love that also supports you financially (whether that be through entrepreneurship or employment)

This isn’t like a traditional course where you log in and go through trainings and complete workbooks and all of that. This is a dynamic group coaching/mentorship/course hybrid program with support and live personal coaching and access to me within a private facebook group 


I've done both the live coaching programs and the static course trainings and although it’s obviously easier to fit go-at-your-own-pace courses into your schedule it’s also easier to flake out and be inconsistent. And since we’re trying to BREAK the cycle of self-sabotage here I know that this structure is better for anyone who is actually interested in seeing results. 


Honestly, I’ve found that self-paced, pre-recorded, produced for the masses inner work stuff just doesn’t work for me. I need the personal attention and the customized advice and the support that comes with that.

I’ve been working with my own coach and the difference (and speed of results) is just crazy! Working privately or at least intimately with a coach is so much more powerful than taking a course, in my experience anyway. I find it much more effective and the results are much more instantaneous. Plus, if you have someone asking the right questions individualized to your journey + experience it makes all the difference.

I'm also a knowledge junkie and have been working on several different certification programs to help me serve you the best I can and to add as much value as possible to the program.


Meet Our Expert Panel Of Healers

The combined forces of these incredible women alongside the already powerful program and coaching you'll receive from the Alignment U program is something I can't even explain. This program is unlike anything else out there and that is because we are a collective of souls working to become the best versions of ourselves, while simultaneously making the world a better place. 

Meet our experts and get an idea of how they're collective power will change your life!

Meet Our Experts: Jessica Rougas

Jessica is a certified Reiki Master Teacher utilizing her energy techniques to infuse the highest quality healing frequencies into everyday experiences, teachings and pieces for the collective to enjoy. With a focus on transformational acceleration, her practice focuses around Emotional Alchemy, the idea of rebirthing pain into power and wounds into wins to achieve soul-body alignment within the universal planes. Manifesting our desired reality requires an in-depth understand to why and who we through an unfiltered authentic lens. Her teachings give us our personal key to surface the hidden power inside ourselves!

Meet Our Experts: Tanya Boge

Tanya is married and a mother of an energetic 7 year old boy. She first discovered the wonderful world of mindset and personal development after a friend invited her to join into a side business and that led her down the road to discovering and getting certified in NLP. Since then she has gone onto become certified as a trainer in NLP, Hypnotherapy, TIME Techniques, EFT and Life and Success coaching. She feels passionate about helping others get past the noise to see that mindset is the true key to success.

NLP uses the language of the mind to achieve the results that we want in life. It shows that our language doesn’t just describe our life, it determines it. Our mind filters out about 99.6% of all the information that our senses bring in from the world around us. Oftentimes we’re stuck in a box without being aware of it and NLP helps to get us out of that box by shifting these filters and allowing us to see all the possibilities. With manifestation our thoughts and beliefs determine the things that come into our lives and NLP is a great tool for uncovering the beliefs and patterns that are keeping us stuck so that we can change them.

Hypnosis speaks directly to the unconscious mind to create change. What your unconscious mind believes will be brought into our life. It does this by filtering out anything that does not support our beliefs. Hypnosis helps with shifting these beliefs to more empowering ones, which will open us up to more possibilities in the world around you. Your unconscious mind loves repetition and hypnosis can be used every day with great results.

TIME Techniques is a great tool for removing limiting decisions. Limiting decisions are the basis of limiting beliefs, doubts, comparisons and various other negative issues that show up in life. It’s a great tool for getting to the root of self-sabotaging behaviours, like procrastination and perfectionism, which are preventing you from taking action.

All these techniques help to quickly shift the beliefs that are preventing you from creating the life you desire. Your life can change direction within one session.

Lindsey Danielle Lehmann

Luxury Mindset Coach and Alignment U Client

"I don’t know where to start - but this program has been everything I’ve needed and more. It’s known Danielle’s workshops are phenomenal but the accountability of the program is unlike anything I’ve ever had. Because more than likely, without it I would’ve fallen of the law of attraction wagon and not gotten back up until things got bad.


With this group I still have days, sometimes up to a couple weeks, where I’m a little off but these ladies inspire me and move me to get back up again and I keep levelling up more and more each time. Thank you so much Danielle for this incredible experience!"

Because I actually give a FAQ...

here are some comprehensive answers to some of the most common questions I get about this container. If you don't see your question, or you'd like to discuss further if this program is the right fit for you, please feel free to send me an email [email protected] or text me +1 (310) 388-9974, or you can send me a DM on Instagram! @mindsettomanifest

Still Have Questions?

Please feel free to send me an email: [email protected] 
or shoot me a DM (@mindsettomanifest)

I'll be happy to help you with any lingering questions you may have. 

Remember, you DESERVE to live the life you're dreaming of. You DESERVE for it to stop being your dream, and it start being your REALITY!

Happy manifesting! xo